Become a Hypnotist in only Three Hours

Become a hypnotist
Become a hypnotist

Because Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most advanced version of hypnotherapy, if you want to learn hypnosis the best plan is to follow up with this course after the regular NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner. Yet, as is often the case, it is even better to first have some first hand experience on the subject before you commit to the full NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner programs. That’s why in this session you learn and demonstrate to yourself how simple hypnosis really is. Now, not everyone is hypnotisable, but the vast majority of people are. Hypnosis is so simple that you learn enough basic techniques with ease in a few hours to hypnotise someone and go into a deep trance yourself.

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NLP & Energy Work

Seeing and Sensing Subtle energies

A different form of energy
A different form of energy

Many people who have a little NLP experience become curious about the outer reaches of our consciousness and how NLP can enable us to explore more of the subtle world around us.  This session will explore the representations and submodalities of subtle energies.  Learning to see and sense the subtle energies of crystals, plants, devas and through short meditation practices we can begin to explore together a world that many feel are just on the edge of their consciousness.

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NLP Magick

NLP Magick
NLP Magick

When it comes to spirituality, often much attention is given to Eastern spirituality.  At the same time we have in the West a spiritual tradition that is millennia old.  At the core, NLP is a method to chart human behaviour. Usually NLP is used to identify (a) how to get people out of trouble, (b) become better communicators and (c) sales. What Licensed NLP Master Trainer™ Joost van der Leij has done is to translate all kinds of different development programs of many magickal societies into smart NLP.  In particular, this concerns the Tao, the Kabbalah and Yoga. That whole has become NLP Magick.

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Mathematical NLP: Deep and Surface Structure

Improvement of the quality of life through the use of NLP
Improvement of the quality of life through the use of NLP
In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) there is an important distinction between the deep and surface structure. This distinction is so important that even the biggest critics of NLP still rate NLP well for using this distinction. This distinction shows that there is a difference between what we say and what we are talking about. A lot of communication problems arise because people have no regard for this distinction. One thinks one has said something because they have talked about it when one has actually said something else. Many arguments in relationships, families and organisations come from here. Hence, understanding this distinction right away ensures that you will communicate better.

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Helping (Drug) Addicts with NLP

Helping Addicts With NLP
Helping Addicts With NLP

In this session you learn more about how to help addicts overcome their addiction with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).  Helping addicts with NLP is a good idea, because addicts often have significant emotional problems in addition to their addiction. Often their addiction stems from an attempt to no longer need to feel the negative emotions.

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The Neurogram®

The Neurogram
The Neurogram

One of the most controversial topics within NLP is personality. The Neurogram® is a system for personality typing in line with the core teachings of NLP.  This means that it is only about behaviour. Basically, there are nine sets of behaviours; NLPfied through NLP strategies, and it is highly probable that one of those sets of behaviour fits your behaviour much better than the other eight. In fact it is more of a matter of discovering that within the other eight sets of behaviours there is some behaviour that in your mind is simply so outrageous that you definitely wouldn’t do something like that. There is no need to recognise all of your own behaviours in the set that befits you the best.

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NLP Coaching – solving problems with NLP

Improvement of the quality of life through the use of NLP
Improvement of the quality of life through the use of NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is best known for how you solve all kinds of psychological problems. Whether it’s to help with stress, anger, sadness, fear or many problems like burnout, depression or anxiety. NLP works perfectly and quickly to effectively solve these problems with many people. In recent years Licensed NLP Trainer™ Joost van der Leij has done much statistical research on how well NLP works in this area. And guess what? With people who had in the last 1,000 days, on average, more than 800 problem days, 80.3% are able to halve the number of problem days within a few weeks working with NLP.

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