Super Precise Language Patterning for NLP Trainers, the metamodel

Improvement of the quality of life through the use of super precise NLP
Improvement of the quality of life through the use of super precise NLP

Using NLP & hypnotic language patterns is easy enough. Thoroughly understanding these NLP & hypnotic language patterns is a whole different ball game. For that reason we organize a two day seminar on Advanced Language Patterning for NLP Trainers. Because for NLP Trainers it is important that they are not only good in using these patterns, but also have a thorough understanding of them. Of course, if you are a NLP Practitioner or NLP Master Practitioner and want to better understand the underlying structure of these language patterns you are more than welcome. If you have no certification in NLP although we love to teach you, of course, this seminar is not for you as we don’t have the time to teach you how to use these patterns. And when learning NLP & hypnotic language patterns, learning how to use them comes first and is most important.

Let me reiterate that: learning how to use NLP & hypnotic language patterns is way more important than understanding them. As with many NLP and hypnosis techniques and methods, you use them mainly unconsciously. NLP is often a matter of having your unconscious mind trained by a Licensed NLP (Master) Trainer™ and then learning to trust your unconsciousness to take care of it from then on. That is perfect. NLP is a very powerful tool. In fact NLP is such a powerful tool that even if it is taught in distorted, deleted and generalized way it still works wonders. Nevertheless, if you start using NLP in a super precise way NLP becomes even more powerful. This seminar is all about super precision.

“After a two day intensive of “Precise Language” with Joost Van Der Leij, I can honestly say, I have not experienced anything like it in my last 20 years within the NLP field. I have listened to those who called themselves language experts, specialists and persuasion engineers. So it is with a keen ear for honesty I say that neither as a participant or with a co-trainer have I heard the milton model and the meta model explained in such depth. Joost’s delivery is more than thorough, wider, higher and with more detail than any other NLP trainer I have experienced thus far. No-one I have known does language patterns like this. Joost’s intellectual gymnastics were mind blowing”

Dawn Flockhart, NLP Trainer, Scotland

In this course we go deep into the underlying structure of these NLP & hypnotic language patterns to further your understanding of them. This is done through our Mathematical NLP model. Richard Bandler always talks about for him modelling is coming up with a mathematical equation. We are not claiming to have found the equations that Richard is using. Nevertheless, we have mathematical equations for each of the language pattern. Furthermore these equations give us a way to work more consciously with the world model of other people. Finally we have an expanded model for the difference between surface- and deep structure as can be seen in this video:

So what you learn in this two day seminar is:

  • the philosophical foundations & an expanded version of the surface- and deep structure;
  • how to derive a person’s world model based on what he is saying,
  • the mathematical equations of all language patterns with special emphasis on the metamodel, presuppositions and indirect elicitation patterns;
  • how to create and use a meta-message;
  • the use of implicit biases in rapport making.

The venue is:

  • Groeiacademie
  • Gistelse Steenweg 190 bus 0101
    8200 Brugge

Times: from 10 am till 5pm with 1.5 hour lunch.

(As this is the Dutch edition all particpants get a free copy of my book “Meer Dan Waar” which deals with Super Precise Language Patterning.)

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